Stress Reduction/Rejuvenation (aka Relaxation Massage)
My ultimate favorite massage to give! Full body focus, light to firm pressure with slow flowing strokes focused on flushing & replenishing tired and sore muscles, rejuvenating the cells and relaxing the mind. Nurturance is the sole focus.
I cannot remember feeling that relaxed. I went to places that I felt supported, enlivened and connected. It was magical. Just what I needed.” Read more…
Ready to book? Here are my rates and availability.
Prenatal Massage (aka Pregnancy and Maternity massage)
Being a certified prenatal massage therapist with over a decade of experience I can guarantee that you and your baby will receive the most safe, considerate, and effective prenatal massage available.
My certification is with the original pioneer of Pregnancy Massage, Carol Osborne. I am a co-creator of Utah Prenatal Massage Association UPMA . Please visit these websites to learn more about what my certification means, the benefits of massage during pregnancy, safety precautions that I follow, and the professionals in the pregnancy & family healthcare field that I am associated with.
I started going to Monica when I was 28 weeks pregnant. Not only did she help alleviate the common aches and pains associated with pregnancy, she gave me incredible advice that literally helped me get through my pregnancy, labor and the beginning journey of motherhood.
I felt so calm and relaxed after every massage…” read more
Postnatal Massage
Tailored to your needs that day and intended on refueling you so that you can return to motherhood in a more positive way. If ever there is a time to truly care for and nurture yourself it is throughout motherhood.
Being certified in postnatal massage I know the precautions for massage after delivery so ANYTIME after your baby is born is a good time to receive, be it 24 hours or years later with the most optimal time being 5-10 weeks after delivery and then as regularly as possible.
How I wish I had known more about the benefits of massage therapy when I was a young mother, wife, daughter and friend. A much better mother, wife, daughter and friend I would have been. I was introduced to massage by Monica in my late fifties, and have found its benefits to be far greater than what I can put into words. If I had to choose just one thing, it would be the emotional stability it has provided me. Through continuous massage I have been introduced and given valuable information that I use in my life day-to-day.” Read more..
Induction Massage
Respecting the fact that only your baby can naturally trigger the onset of labor this massage is designed to be supportive of that process. If you are nearing medical induction and wish to explore a more holistic approach, this massage is perfect. Performed only after 38 weeks this full body massage focuses on relaxing your body and mind while sustained pressure is applied to labor inducing pressure points located in the shoulders, legs and feet.
The only guarantee is that you will feel nurtured, rejuvenated, centered and calm in the final days of your pregnancy – an exceptional way to enter labor, birth and motherhood.
My massage was just what I needed, I was able to relax, get centered, and focus. About 3 hrs later my water broke and I was in full labor! I successfully delivered a healthy 7lb baby, no tearing and was able to nurse immediately after his arrival. I know without a doubt my body responded to the Induction massage, I was relaxed and ready to take on the physical demands of labor and delivery. Read more…
Fertility & Conscious Conception Massage
This massage is perfect for the woman who has concern that she might have fertility issues or the woman who is wants to conceive consciously and is therefore using massage to enhance that experience. I am certified in Fertility Massage with Claire Marie Miller and have taken Mayan Abdominal Massage for Self Care. This combo complements one another well and provides me with a unique foundation for working with women seeking motherhood.
A fertility massage is a full body massage and includes, Castro oil packs, Cranio Sacral holds, Shiatsu pressure points, guided imagery, reflexology, abdominal and pelvic bowl massage. It is a very relaxing massage that holds the intention of being an opportunity to connect with your unborn child and a time to reflect on becoming a parent. Freeing up abdominal adhesions, flushing congestion in the pelvic bowl, and nourishing and replenishing the endocrine system are a focus.
The experience I felt in that first session was out of this world! Monica guided me through the process of what she was doing physically and also guided me through what I could be connecting to spiritually while I was in this space. It was the beginning of the connection I made with my little baby’s soul, as I welcomed him to me. We did 3 sessions and each time I came to see Monica, she listened to my fears and concerns and always helped me to see that what I was experiencing was normal and reminded me that one day I would laugh at the time I worried so much that this would “never happen for me.” Read more…
Specific Muscle Work
The massage therapy modality I use to work one specific body regions is great for injured or knotted muscles. Focus is on alleviating pain and associated muscle dysfunction by working directly with muscle attachments and the muscle belly. You will feel deep sensation that borders on pain but should not be painful. With deep breathing and lots of communication you will feel immediate relief and within a couple of days your problem muscles will feel much better.
Massage is one of the key elements in my life for being able to function from day to day. I have been a bi-weekly client for a number of years. We all experience stress in many forms, sometimes severe enough to be debilitating. I’ve been there. And I’ve had many injuries in my life, the worst being a broken back which affects me 24/7. To find a therapist that not only can provide great bodywork, but is willing to go out of their way (on their own personal time) to study and research in order to bring helpful insight and technical information to the table related to a specific condition, like my issues with my back, is a very fortunate circumstance (albeit a long-shot). read more
Abdominal Massage
Once you try this you will be hooked. This technique can be combined with a full body massage of 90 minutes or longer, otherwise plan on 60 minutes of belly, sternum, ribs and pelvic bowl focus. Perfect for women who experiences constipation, diarrhea, painful menses, shallow breathing, rib pain, upset stomach or congestion in the pelvis. It is helpful in releasing emotions that have been stored and no longer serve you.
Combining my education in Mayan Abdominal Massage for Self Care, Fertility Massage and general massage of the abdomen I seek to encourage women to apply this style of massage to their on-going self care routines by massaging their own bellies. This is supportive of our abdominal and pelvic health by promoting healthy endocrine and organ function. It is also supportive of our creative center.
After experiencing abdominal massage the first time I became hooked and continue to give it to myself regularly. I was told that I would experience more compassion in my life if I continued the practice and it is true! I have more compassion for myself and others by simply massaging my belly?!” read more